If You Said ‘YES’ To These Questions, You Need A Greenhouse!

Whether you are new to gardening or already had some luck with growing from seeds you probably heard that a greenhouse extends a growing season. That is true and owning a greenhouse offers many uses for an enthusiastic gardener.

However, for someone who is new to gardening managing a greenhouse can be quite challenging. There is no doubt that a greenhouse makes a statement in any garden, but is it really worth it? That is why at some point everyone has the same question on their mind – ‘Do I Need a Greenhouse?’

Why do you need a greenhouse?

If you answer ‘YES’ to at least 8 out of 10 of the questions below, you should get a greenhouse. Let’s dive straight in!

Do I have space (the most popular hobby greenhouse size is 6×8 ft)?YES/NO
Do I want to grow all year round?YES/NO
Do I want to overwinter tender plants?YES/NO
Do I want to grow exotic plants?YES/NO
Am I running out of space in my house to sow seeds and propagate cutting?YES/NO
Do I want to grow a variety of food and flowers?YES/NO
Can I keep you with weekly cleaning routine?YES/NO
Will I be able to control the micro-climate in the greenhouse?YES/NO
Do I have the funds to make an initial purchase and cover maintenance costs?YES/NO
Do I wan to set up a propagation and tools stations?YES/NO

These questions help you to decide if you have to invest in a greenhouse. So, study them carefully and answer in all honesty. If you answered ‘Yes’ to at least 8 questions, you can start considering buying or building a greenhouse. Keep on reading and we will tell you what are the benefits of owning a greenhouse structure.

Why do you need a greenhouse?

1. It’s Flexible

Due to the fact that greenhouse lets you to control the environment inside the structure, you can tailor it to your growing needs. For example, you can control temperature and humidity to grow exotic plants. Maybe you always wanted to grow a collection of orchids or fancied an idea to roast your own coffee. Greenhouse can help to make this happen.

While some plants require the use of greenhouse heaters especially during winter months, others will do just fine in an unheated structure. You will be surprised but you can actually grow cacti in unheated greenhouse! However, if you mainly want to grow tomatoes, they actually benefit from growing in a greenhouse too.

growing cacti in unheated greenhouse

Greenhouse growing allows you to choose from a variety of edible plants and flowers. Did you know that there are 50 flowering plants that you can grow in a greenhouse? Also, with a greenhouse you always have a room for experiments and a chance to keep delicate plants. In addition, one of the main uses of greenhouse is to overwinter tender plants.

2. It Offers Stability

Needles to say that greenhouse shields plants from wind, rain and snow. Also, with shading you can control the amount of sunlight that enters your structure. The environment inside a greenhouse can be adapted according to your growing needs.

For example, simply adjust temperature and humidity and you can start sowing seeds or propagate cuttings. If you are a fan of smart home, you will want to set up a smart greenhouse too. You can automate everything in a greenhouse: watering, lighting, ventilation and heating.

Also, with only 7 greenhouse sensors you can monitor temperature and humidity, soil moisture and pH, plant’s exposure to light and air quality. You need to get these measures right to prevent greenhouse plants from dying. On the other hand, you can consider investing in a hydroponic greenhouse.

However, you might want to check out the pros and cons of hydroponic and soil greenhouse growing first. For a beginner it will be enough to get a 3-in-1 soil meter to measure soil moisture, pH and light intensity. Also, thermometer and hygrometer is a must.

 soil meter

You can use this guide to choose the best temperature and humidity reader. I personally use a wireless digital hygrometer and thermometer like this one. It does the job well, but you would need to take the readings yourself. If you want everything to be recorded for you, go for a wireless monitor system.

3. It Can Be Very Economical

Just think how much money you spend every spring for new starters or established plants. When growing in a greenhouse you can easily save and sow your own seeds. In comparison to buying established plants, growing from seeds is definitely cost effective.

Also, don’t forget about propagation. If your neighbor or friend has a variety that you want to grow as well, just take a cutting. You can root cuttings in water or soilless mix. For example, most of the flowering plants root well in water.

plant cuttings

To speed up propagation you can use a rooting hormone, although it is not a requirement. Instead, you can try natural ingredients like Aloe Vera that has antibacterial properties and increases the chances of cuttings to root. Try to make your own rooting hormone from willow tree bark.

Although the original costs of building or buying a greenhouse structure can be quite high, the structure will last for many years. Also, you can utilize the structure itself by building a simple rain water catchment system.

collecting rainwater from greenhouse structure

It is actually beneficial to use rainwater for plants as it is soft. Needless to say that you can collect gallons of FREE water every month. Moreover, connect the drip irrigation system to a water barrel and you can put your mind to rest about watering.

Let’s not forget that greenhouse growing let’s you to produce your own fruits and vegetables all year round. So, you can forget about buying fresh herbs and lettuce. You can have a constant supply for delicious fresh meals. Some people even manage to sell extra greenhouse produce!

4. It’s Practical

If you are keen on organizing your gardening tools, keeping pots in order and are genuinely a fan of systems, you do need a greenhouse. When set up properly, greenhouse creates a perfect environment for gardening chores. With the system of benches and shelves you can utilize all the space inside the structure and keep your potted plants neat and tidy.

Also, keeping pots on benches and shelves will ensure that your structure stays clean and easy to maintain. I always recommend building a base for a greenhouse, there are 5 foundations options to choose from. It will add security to your structure and you will need to lay flooring.

Types Of Benches In Greenhouse

With foundation and flooring you can forget about standing water. Also, muddy pathways will never be a problem again. You can solely concentrate on caring after your plants. I can’t stress enough how easy it is when all your tools and supplies are neatly organized and are easy to reach!

Worth to mention, that one of the main advantages of benches in a greenhouse is that you avoid constant stooping to ground level which causes back pain. You can organize a big or a small greenhouse to utilize space efficiently with these 13 easy tips.

organize a greenhouse

I personally like growing in a greenhouse as compared to raised bed gardening due to very low maintenance. You just need to follow a simple cleaning routine with an annual preparation for a growing season. If you buy a plastic greenhouse, you will need to learn how to look after polycarbonate panels.

We now have a wooden greenhouse, so it requires a little bit more maintenance. However, if you choose aluminum frame, you can clean it in just 5 easy steps. Although you can paint aluminum greenhouse, it is better to buy a powder coated frame straight away. You can also choose a color of powder coating to suit your garden aesthetics.

Who shouldn’t get a greenhouse?

It is understandable that when you are new to gardening, you want to try it all! For example, sowing seeds on a windowsill, building raised garden beds and setting up a greenhouse for winter growing and so on. However, it is overwhelming and challenging to do everything at the same time.

For a beginner who is just starting, greenhouse growing with its controlled environment can be too challenging. Remember, that in the garden plants can rely on natural elements whereas indoors you need to provide them with water, warmth, humidity, fresh air etc.

So, if you are just familiarizing yourself with a gardening world, you don’t need a greenhouse straight away. Think about it for a year or two! See how it goes and set up your growing goals. If you want to start germinating seeds, try out windowsill growing.

For example, you can buy a simple Jiffy windowsill greenhouse and learn how to start seeds. Read a quick step-by-step guide on how to use it. Then you can move the seedlings to a cold frame before transplanting them to the garden.

greenhouse structure

Have a look at the different types of greenhouse structures as it doesn’t mean that you need to buy a biggest one out there. You can actually extend the growing season with a portable cold frame which is easy to assemble. Moreover, you can always use plant cover for raised beds for extra warmth and protection.


Don’t jump into buying anything gardening related if you just started germinating seeds on your windowsill. See how it goes first, root some cuttings and try out growing in raised garden beds. For a beginner it will be enough to take care of plants between spring and fall.

Take into consideration factors like space, growing needs and preferences, building and maintenance costs when deciding to get a greenhouse. It will help you to realize if you really need it. Once you decided to invest into structure, make the most of it!

How are you growing your plants? Let me know in the comments if you are planting indoors or outdoors!

Please feel free to share this blog post with anyone who might be looking for this information 🙂

Happy Growing!

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