50 Plants To Grow In A Greenhouse (with pictures)!

The range of flowers to grow in a greenhouse or conservatory is enormous. However, you will see the same names appear in the gardening magazines year after year. These common greenhouse flowers are varieties of Chrysanthemum, Pelargonium, Carnation, Impatiens, Fuchsia, Begonia, Cineraria, Primula, Streptocarpus and Kalanchoe.

The main reasons why most of time the choice is restricted to these flowers are limited space and limited availability. If you are an owner of a small greenhouse, you don’t want it to get overcrowded. Although, if you have a spacious conservatory, there is no excuse not to use it.

In this case you might find it difficult to find the more unusual indoor plants. Surprisingly, many garden centers offer the same range of greenhouse and conservatory plants. You can raise many flowers from seeds. It is also a good idea to ask for a cutting of unusual plant from a neighbor or a friend.

You might want to use a rooting hormone to speed up propagation. Moreover, some cuttings benefit from being propagated in water rather than in soil. So, now that you know the way of finding rare plants, what flowers grow best in a greenhouse or conservatory?

Best Flowers To Grow In A Greenhouse:

Abutilon (Flowering Maple)

Abutilon is a large genus of flowering plants in the mallow family. Abutilons are hardy evergreen shrubs that are not difficult to grow. These shrubs have maple-like leaves, hence they are known by the common name Flowering Maple.

Flowering Plants To Grow In A Greenhouse - abutilon

Moreover, they bloom all summer long with bell-like flowers that look like mallow, that is why they second common name is Indian Mallow. Abutilon megapotamicum is a hardy species of Abutilons which grows to 4 ft in height and is native to Argentina, Brazil and Uruguay. When growing in perfect environment, they never stop blooming.


Acalypha is a genus of flowering plants that belongs to family Euphorbiaceae. The most common varieties for greenhouse and conservatory growing are Acalypha hispida or Red Hot Cat’s Tail and Acalypha wilkesiana also known as Copperleaf.  


Both of these varieties are woody shrubs which grow in moist air and require a minimum temperature of 65 degrees Fahrenheit.

Lipstick Plant (Aeschynanthus)

Aeschynanthus is a genus of evergreen subtropical and tropical plants in the Gesneriaceae family. It is an eye-catching hanging plant with long trailing stems, waxy leaves and red flowers. The most common variety is a trailing perennial also known as Lipstick Plant.

Lipstick plant is quite needy and you must keep water and direct sunlight off the leaves. Moreover, it doesn’t like cold droughts, dry air and wet soil in winter.

African Lily (Agapanthus)

Agapanthus is the genus of flowering plants in the Amaryllidaceae family. African Lily is one of the several names belonging to variety Agapanthus africanus which originates from South Africa. The flowers are tubular and blue in color, however white varieties are also available.


Agapanthus is an easy plant to grow. Remember that it needs cool conditions in winter. Plant Agapanthus in a tub and repot it every 5 years.


It is a member of the Heather family originating from the Himalayas. Agapetes have arching stems and lance-shaped glossy leaves. It flowers in spring with pendulous bunches of red tubular flowers. The usual species for conservatory or greenhouse growing is Agapetes serpens.

It is an unusual and attractive shrub with rose-red flowers that bear dark red V-shaped markings. Keep in mind that you need to provide some sort of support for drooping branches.

Golden Trumpet (Allamanda)

Allamanda is a frost-tender, evergreen and tropical climbing plant native to America. It is a genus of flowering plants in the family Apocynaceae. The most popular variety for conservatory is Allamanda cathartica also called Golden Trumpet.

golden trumpet

To grow Golden Trumpet successfully, you need to provide it with moist air and some direct sunlight. It blooms with 3 inches wide flaring yellow trumpets in summer. Also, keep in mind that you need to water it sparingly in winter.


Alyogyne is a genus of flowering plants in the family Malvaceae and it originates from the Southwest botanical province of Western Australia. This plant is free-flowering and bears 3 inches wide Mallow-like blooms. The popular species for greenhouse growing are Alyogyne huegelii ‘Santa Cruz’ and Alyogyne hakeifolia.


Alyogyne huegelii ‘Santa Cruz’ or Blue Hibiscus is an evergreen shrub that grows to about 6-10 feet tall and 6-8 feet wide. You would need to cut it back in winter to keep it in bounds. Flowers are pale blue in spring and summer. Alyogyne hakeifolia also known as Native Hibiscus has red-centered mauve flowers.

Kangaroo Paw (Anigozanthos)

Anigozanthos also called Kangaroo Paw is a clump-forming evergreen shrub which has Iris-like leaves and unusual flowers. Each flower is a long tube which at the end splits into 6 segments which looks like a Kangaroo paw, hence the common name.

Kangaroo Paw plant

For the conservatory and greenhouse growing gardeners choose Anigozanthos flavidus which grows about 2 ft high and blooms with yellowish-green flowers in late spring. Anigozanthos manglesii is blooming with 3 inches long green flowers that are bright red at the base.


Anthurium is the largest genus of Araceae family. It is a very popular plant for the warm greenhouse or conservatory. The plant is flowering in summer and palette-like flowers have an exotic look. The easiest species to grow is Anthurium scherzerianum originating from American and commonly known as Flamingo Flower.

flamingo flower growing in a greenhouse

Also, you can grow Anthurium andraeanum (Oilcloth Flower) which has heart-shaped leaves with 4 inches puckered flowers which bear a yellow tail. The leaves are lance-shaped and glossy. Anthuriums flower almost all year long if they get enough light, fertilizer and moisture.

Zebra Plant (Aphelandra)

Aphelandra is a genus of flowering plants in the family Acanthaceae, originating from the tropical regions of America. It is a popular houseplant, but to grow from one year to another it needs conservatory or greenhouse conditions. Aphelandra squarrosa or Zebra Plant is the best known variety.

Zebra plant

Zebra plant consists of leaves with white veins and golden flower bracts. The blooms appear in fall and flower for about 6 weeks. Zebra plant can grow to 2 feet high, so you would need to cut the stems back to 4 inches in spring.

Coral Berry (Ardisia)

Ardisia is a genus of shrubs in the family Primulaceae. The tree has glossy leaves and fragrant white or pale pink flowers which then turn into red berries. The most popular species is Ardisia crenata also known as Coral Berry. You need to keep it cool in winter and prune back in early spring.


Dutchman’s Pipe (Aristolochia)

Aristolochia is a genus of the family Aristolochiaceae what are wide spread in many climates. The plants are shrubs or herbaceous perennials that are climbing, usually with heart-shaped or ovate leaves. Moreover, flowers are pipe-shaped, hence they are called Dutchman’s Pipe.

Dutchman's Pipe flowering plant to grow in a greenhouse

For a greenhouse growing go for Aristolochia elegans species that produces 3 inches wide white-blotched maroon flowers in summer and fall. Although, you need to prune back hard after flowering.

Blood Flower (Asclepias)

Asclepias is a genus of evergreen or perennial flowering plant native to America. The right species for greenhouse growing is Asclepias curassavica known as Tropical Milkweed or Blood Flower. The shrub can get to 3 ft tall and it comes with lance-shaped leaves.


In summer and fall it blooms with round heads of starry flowers. Moreover, each bloom has bright orange petals and an inner yellow crown. The flowers are also followed by fruit. You can easily grow Asclepias from seed.


Banksia is a genus in the plant family Proteaceae. Although it is native to Australia ans is challenging to grow, it is a common choice of the garden plants. Banksia is well known for its spectacular flowers – tiny colorful blooms that make up flower spikes and heads.


To grow Banksia in a greenhouse you need to ensure good ventilation, dry air and bright light. Water it sparingly in winter. You have to be patient with Banksia. It can take up to 3 years to reach flowering stage when perfect conditions are created. When choosing species for greenhouse growing, consider the height of the plant. Some species can grow up to 6 ft high.

Pony Tail (Beaucarnea)

Beaucarnea is a genus of flowering plants in family Asparagaceae. It is native to Mexico and Central America and is an interesting plant to grow. They need space and minimum temperature of 45 degrees Fahrenheit. It will quickly grow to 6 ft high and strap-like leaves can spread to 5 ft wide.

Ponytail palm - plants to grow in a greenhouse

The most popular variety is Beaucarnea recurvata which is commonly known as Elephant’s foot or Ponytail Palm because of the swollen bulb at the base that stores water. It is an easy plant to grow which will quickly bounce back if you neglect it for some time.


Begonia is a genus of perennial flowering plants in the family Begoniaceae. It comes from moist tropical and subtropical climates. There are many types of flowering Begonias. The most popular types of Begonias are bushy types that are thrown away after flowering.

Lorraine Begonias is one of the most popular plants to grow in a greenhouse as it will flower for Christmas. Also, it is popular to plant brightly colored Hiemalis Begonia such as Begonia ‘Fireglow’ which you can bring to bloom at any time of the year.

rex begonia

If you want to keep Begonia in a greenhouse from year to year, go for Wax Begonia. Apart from the flowering types, there are varieties that have very nice leaves. For example, Begonia Rex that has irregular leaves with different color patterns. Check out what plants grow well with Begonias before planting.

Shrimp Plant (Beloperone)

There is just one species – Beloperone guttata. It is unusual and exotic plant with both downy stems and leaves. The 4 inches long curved flower-heads consist of orange bracts and small white flowers growing between them. The flowers resemble shrimps, hence, its common name of the ‘Shrimp Plant’.

golden shrimp plant
Golden Shrimp Plant

Although it is a very popular houseplant, B. guttata prefers to grow in a greenhouse or conservatory with brighter light. The plant will bloom almost all year round with correct watering. That is regularly from spring to fall and sparingly in winter.

Paper Flower (Bougainvillea)

Bougainvilleas are popular ornamental plants that grow outdoors in sub-tropical and tropical climates around the world. The brightly colored flowers bloom all summer long. The flowers come in a variety of colors – orange, yellow, crimson and purple.

Bougainvilleas are popular plants to grow in a greenhouse

When growing Bougainvillea in a greenhouse or conservatory, you need to place it in a spot that receives at least 5-6 hours of bright indirect light. You can either choose from basic species like rose-purple Bougainvillea glabra which is also called Paper Flower because of thin and papery bracts or one of many hybrids.


Bouvardia is a genus of flowering plants in the family Rubiaceae. It contains about 50 species. Although it is hard to find at garden centers and it’s a bad houseplant, Bouvardia thrives in the warm, sunny and moist greenhouse environment.


The tubular flowers grow to be about 2-5 ft tall and produce clusters above the leaves in white, pink and red. Flowers can be single or double blooms. It blooms in summer and fall. Also, some flowers are very fragrant.

Snow Bush (Breynia)

It is an evergreen tropical shrub growing to 3 feet tall with pink and red stems bearing 1 inch oval leaves. The leaves are pure white splashed with pink and green which looks like the plant has been snowed upon, hence the common name ‘Snow Bush’.

Source: Planting Man

It never became a popular houseplant because Breynia doesn’t grow well in the dry air of living room. So, it thrives in a conservatory or a greenhouse. Breynia disticha ‘Roseo-picta’ or Snow Bush should be protected from direct sunlight. Finally, you need to repot it every 2 years.


Bromeliads or the family Bromeliaceae are flowering plants originating from the southern United States and are growing on trees, stumps and decaying branches in nature. They are ideal plants to grow in a greenhouse or conservatory because their colorful bracts will last for several months if you keep up with the unusual watering requirements.


There are many genera and species but the most popular ones are Aechmea, Ananas, Billbergia, Guzmania, Tillandsia, Cryptanthus, Neoregelia, Nidularium and Vriesea. The general growth pattern is a rosette of leathery leaves and flower-head consisting of colorful bracts.

Sapphire Flower (Browallia)

It is a small genus of seven species of perennial bushy plants that are grown as annuals. Browallia speciosa has 2 in wide vibrant blue star-shaped flowers with white throats and is also known as Sapphire Flower or Amethyst Flower.

Browallia speciosa
Browallia speciosa

Silver Bells is a dwarf variety that blooms with white flowers. Major is a blue-violet type that can grow to 3 ft high. It thrives in shady or partially shady spots. So, you might consider using a shade cloth when growing in a greenhouse. Browallia flowers from spring until the end of summer.


Brunfelsia is a genus of flowering plants in the nightshades family Solanaceae, consisting of about 50 species. Grow it with care and it will stay on flower almost all year round. Interesting fact – Brunfelsia’s blooms change color at they mature!

The popular shrub is Brunfelsia calycina originating from Peru that grows to 2 ft high with purple blooms first day which then fade to pale violet on the second and on the third day they become white. That is why it is called ‘Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow‘ plant.


Caesalpinia is an example of showy exotic plants that you can grow in a cool greenhouse. It can withstand temperatures that are just a few degrees above freezing in winter. The most common one is Caesalpinia gilliesii also known as Bird of Paradise Flower.

Bird of Paradise Flower
Bird of Paradise Flower

It is a tall-growing shrub with ferny leaves with 1 ft high flower-heads appearing in summer. A cluster of yellow flowers with a mass of long red stamens comprises a flower head. Best flowers develop in full sun and they need moderately fertile, well drained soil.

Angel’s Wings (Caladium)

Caladium is a genus of flowering plants in the family Araceae. You can grow it in an unheated greenhouse in the summer, however, it needs warm conservatory to grow all year round. Due to the colorful arrow-shaped leaves Caladium is also known as Elephant Ear, Heart of Jesus or Angel’s Wings plant.


The leaves are paper thin and come in a variety of colors: green, white, red, pink, orange and purple. It is a tuberous perennial blooming with inconspicuous, calla-type flowers in summer, but they are usually hidden by the leaves.

Slipper Flower (Calceolaria)

Calceolaria is a genus of plants in the family Calceolariaceae. It grows with pouch-like flowers, hence its common names Lady’s Purse, Slipper Flower and Pocketbook Flower or Slipperwort. It is a common plant to grow in cool greenhouses or summer beds. The flowers last for about a month in spring or summer.


There are a number of varieties with yellow, red or orange puffed-up flowers that can also have spots. You can raise them from seeds. Calceolaria herbeohybrida or Pocketbook plant is very well know for the showy flowers. It has large downy leaves and it grows about 1.5 ft high.

Bottlebrush Plant (Callistemon)

Callistemon originates from Australia and belongs to the Myrtle family. It is a good plant for the cool greenhouse or conservatory. Their striking feature are fluffy floral spikes that appear in summer, hence common name ‘Bottlebrush Plant‘.

Callistemon citrinus
Callistemon citrinus

Callistemon citrinus is the most popular because it grows to about 3 ft high and bears 4 in cylindrical red flower spikes in spring and summer. The leaves are dark green and aromatic.


Camellia is a glossy evergreen that is easy to grow. They are native to eastern and southern Asia with 300 species and around 3000 hybrids. These plants prefer to grow in pots. The flowers come in white, pink and red colors and appear early in the season.


Camellia japonica, known as Common Camellia, Japanese camellia, or Tsubaki in Japanese, is one of the best known species. Sometimes it is also called the Rose of Winter. It bears single or double blooms that appear among the glossy leaves.

Bellflower (Campanula)

Campanula is a genus in the family Campanulaceae. It is a low-growing perennial plant with bell-shaped flowers, hence the common name ‘Bellflower‘. The usual bloom color is blue but there is a white variety ‘Alba’ and a mauve (a pale purplish/pink color) variety ‘Mayi’.


The most popular one is the Italian Bellflower Campanula isophylla. It is a trailing perennial to 1.5 ft in height with grey-green hairy stems. Another species, Campanula pyramidalis or Chimney Bellflower is native to southeastern Europe in Italy and the western Balkans. It is a tall plant with white or blue flowers.


Campsis is a genus of flowering plants in the family Bignoniaceae, originating from the woodland in China and North America. It is a feathery-leaved climber ideal for conservatory. Moreover, it can grow from 10 to 15 ft high!


They are a popular choice because of their handsome ash-like leaves and the bold terminal trusses of orange to red, trumpet-shaped flowers, hence the common name ‘Trumpet Vine’. It blooms from late summer to fall and then the leaves fall in winter.


It is a free-flowering shrub that grows about 6 ft high. It is an evergreen tree from China also known as Chinese cassia or Chinese cinnamon. The botanical name is Cinnamomum aromaticum or Cinnamomum cassia. Its bark is used to make cinnamon spice.


You can start sowing seeds in March in pots in a greenhouse. It blooms in late summer to winter with clusters of cup-shaped yellow flowers. The most popular ornamental flowering plant for greenhouse growing is Cassia alata. Also known as Senna alata or ‘Candle Bush’.

Cock’s comb (Celosia)

Celosia are members of the Amaranth family. It is a genus of edible ornamental plants. The usual height is 1.5 ft but dwarfs are also available. The most popular variety is Celosia cristata. It blooms with velvety cockscomb head, hence the common name ‘Cock’s Comb’.

Cock's comb plant

Blooms come in orange, red and purple colors. Some flowers are looking like flames and others like corals. Celosia grow best in sunny and dry conditions. You can start sowing seeds in February at 60°-65°F for a summer display. Make sure to keep the compost moist and don’t let it to dry out.

Jessamine (Cestrum)

Cestrum is a genius of flowering plants in the family Solanaceae. It originates from tropical regions of the Americas. Cestrums are also called Jessamines due to the jasmine-like yellow blooms appearing in summer. They grow 6 to 10 ft high and you need to provide support to the weak stems.


All the species have oval shiny leaves and in the summer bloom with large clusters of tube-like flowers. You can choose to grow white-flowering Cestrum nocturnum that is also fragrant. Cestrum auranticum is species with long orange flowers and Cestrum elegans with red flowers.

Mexican Orange Bloom (Choisya)

Choisya is a small genus of aromatic evergreen shrubs in Rutaceae family. It is a well known garden plant which also grows well in greenhouses. It produces white star-shaped flowers in sprig and sometimes through summer and fall.

Mexican Orange Bloom

Due to the fact that Choisya flowers are similar to orange flowers in both shape and scent, they are called Mexican Orange. It grows well in a tub. You can easily find Choisya ternata or Mexican Orange Blossom in the Shrub section of your local garden center.


Chorizema is a genus of small, evergreen shrubs in Fabaceae family. They originate from Australia and are famous for their showy Pea-like flowers. The color of the blooms are orange and pink. However, their stems are quite weak, so you would need to provide some support.

Chorizema ilicifolium, known as the Holly Flame Pea, has spiny leaves and the flowers that appear in spring and summer. Each flower is about 0.5 inches wide. The bloom color can be a mixture of orange, yellow, pink and pale purple.


Chrusanthemum is a flowering plant in the family Asteraceae. They are native to East Asia and northeastern Europe and also called ‘mums‘. Chrysanthemum morifolium is a variety for greenhouse growing and is late-flowering. It blooms from October to late December.

Chrysanthemum morifolium plants to grow in a greenhouse
Chrysanthemum morifolium

Chrusanthemums are one of the most popular fall flowers. They are easy to grow because their needs are full sun, rich soil and good air exchange. You can also choose varieties to grow in pots. These are Charms varieties, Cascade types with pendent stems and the Marguerites with yellow-disced flowers in summer.


It is a genus of flowering plants in the sunflower family. They originate from southern Africa. Cineraria plants are perennials that you can purchase between late winter and mid spring. The leaves are heart-shaped and plant produces large Daisy-like flowers.

Cineraria plants to grow in a greenhouse

You can choose from a variety of colors including blue, red, white, pink and violet. You can raise Cineraria from seeds sown in May. When buying Cineraria go for flowers with unopened buds. That way the display will last for 4 to 6 weeks.

Glory Bower (Clerodendrum)

Clerodendrum is a genus of flowering plants in the family Lamiaceae. The common names are Glory Bower, Bagflower and Bleeding-Heart. Clodendrums have long, weak stems which can grow to 8 ft or taller. You would need to prune them in a small greenhouse.

Clerodendrum plants to grow in a greenhouse

Clerodendrum thomsoniae is a climbing plant that produces clusters of inflated red-tipped white blooms throughout the summer months. Clerodendrum ugandense has bright green leaves and five-petalled blue to violet or blue to white flowers. They resemble a butterfly and bloom from summer to fall.


Clianthus is a genus of flowering plants in the Fabaceae family. It is a shrub native to New Zealand with feathery leaves and unusual flowers. The flowers are claw or beak shaped and appear in late spring or summer. They are commonly known as ‘Glory Pea‘ or ‘Lobster Claw‘. 

Clianthus plants to grow in a greenhouse

You can choose to grow a low-growing Clianthus formosum that can reach 2 ft high and flowers with bright red flowers in summer. Alternatively, you can grow Clianthus puniceus or Lobser Claw that produces red flowers display in late spring.

Kaffir Lily (Clivia)

Clivia is a genus of flowering plants in the family Amaryllidaceae. They are native to southern Africa. The common names include Natal lily or Bush lily. The popular variety Clivia miniata produces cluster of bell-shaped orange flowers in spring.

Clivia miniata plants to grow in a greenhouse
Clivia miniata

Clivia plants are famous for bold strap-like dark green leaves. The flowers come in yellow, red and cream colors. You need to keep it cool in winter and water sparingly between late fall and early spring. It prefers to grow in a large, wide-based clay pot.

Cup and Saucer Vine (Cobaea)

Cobaea is a genus of flowering plants that includes about 20 species. It is an ornamental climber originating from Mexico. The most popular species is Cobaea scandens known as a Cup and Saucer Vine because of the flowers consisting of purple ‘cup’ in a pale green ‘saucer’.

Cobaea scandens plants to grow in a greenhouse

If you keep C. scandens outside it will grow as an annual, but in a greenhouse it is a rampant perennial climber. You need to germinate seeds in late winter or very early spring. Seeds will sprout in 3 to 4 weeks.


Coleonema is a genus of flowering plants in the family Rutaceae with 8 known species. It is originating from the western Cape Province of South Africa. It is an evergreen shrub with needle-like, aromatic leaves and starry flowers.


A popular species for greenhouse growing is Coleonema pulchrum that is not difficult to grow. It is a 3 ft spreading shrub which blooms in spring and summer with star-shaped pink flowers. Other species can have white or golden blooms.


Coleus is a genus of flowering plants in the family Lamiaceae. It is one of the easiest plants to propagate and grow. You can easily raise it from cuttings or seeds. Coleus is famous for its leaves and not flowers. Nearly all species and hybrids have leaves with two or more colors.

coleus plants to grow in a greenhouse

Leaves can be spotted or splashed. The shades of color are ranging from purple, yellow, pink, intense red and chartreuse. When growing in a greenhouse you need to put Coleus in a bright spot so it gets bright light with some filtering.

Goldfish Plant (Columnea)

Columnea is a genus of flowering plants in Gesneriaceae family. They originate from tropical America and the Caribbean. The tubular red flower has yellow throat or mouth, hence common name Goldfish Plant. Columnea is not an easy plant to grow. It needs ample light, comfortable temperature and high humidity.

They prefer growing in a conservatory. You can choose to grow smooth-leaved types like Columnea banksii and Columnea ‘Stavanger’ which are less difficult than hairy-leaved ones. The hairy-leaved plants are C. gloriosa, C. microphylla and its variety ‘Tricolor’.


Coronilla is a genus of flowering plants in the pea family with around 20 species of plants. It is native to Europe and North Africa. It is an evergreen shrub that is almost hardy and can be grown in cold conservatory or greenhouse.

coronilla flowering plants to grow in a greenhouse
Source: Gardenia

Coronilla valentina subsp. glauca ‘Citrina’ is a bushy shrub that grows about 4 ft tall. It starts to bear clusters of yellow Pea-like flowers in spring and summer. These blooms have a Peach-like fragrance.


Correa is a genus of flowering plants in the family Rutaceae. It is unusual Australian shrub that is easy to grow. It produces bell-shaped flowers early in the year. Correa backhouseana is a coastal shrub that grows up to 2 metres in height.

It produces small clusters of 1 in long pendent bell-like flowers that are white or cream in color. Or you can choose to grow Correa reflexa that will be about the same size but will produce more colorful flowers – red with a narrow white mouth.

Spiral Ginger (Costus)

Costus is a group of perennial herbaceous plants. It is an interesting plant to grow in a conservatory or a greenhouse. Yes, it is related to ginger, hence a common name. It also gets its name from the way the large leaves spiral around the stem.

spiral ginger plants to grow in a greenhouse

It blooms with ragged-petalled flowers in summer. You can choose to grow Costus igneus that produces glossy leaves and orange and yellow flowers. Costus speciosus will grow 4-6 ft tall with yellow-centered white blooms.

Firecracker Flower (Crossandra)

Crossandra is a genus of flowering plants in the family Acanthaceae. It is native to southern India and Sri Lanka and grows as a bedding plant in subtropical and tropical areas. The well-know species is Crossandra infundibuliformis also called Firecracker Flower because of the bright orange flowers.

Crossandra plants to grow in a greenhouse
Crossandra infundibuliformis

It blooms from spring to fall with orange open-faced tubular blooms that are borne in clusters on top of 2 ft high flower-stalks. To grow well it needs humid air around the lance-shaped leaves.

False Heather (Cuphea)

Cuphea is a genus of annual and perennial flowering plants containing about 260 species. It is native to warm temperate to tropical regions of Central and South America, as well as the southeastern U.S. The common name is False Heather.

Cuphea plants to grow in a greenhouse
False Heather

Cuphea ignea grows about 1 ft tall and the bush produces pendent 1 in tubular flowers from spring to fall. The flowers are red with white and purple mouths. It is best grown as an annual and from spring-sown seeds.

Genista (Cytisus)

Cytisus is a genus of flowering plants in the family Fabaceae. It contains around 50 species and they are native to open sites in Europe, western Asia and North Africa. It is also well-known as ‘Broom‘ along with other genera in the tribe Genisteae.

cytisus plants growing in a greenhouse

To grow in a greenhouse or conservatory choose between Cytisus racemosus, Cytisus canariensis or Cytisus ‘Porlock’. Cytisus produces long sprays of yellow flowers in spring. The flowers are Pea-like and fragrant.

That is not a complete list of flowering plants to grow in a greenhouse, please let me know if you want more information on unusual or easy-to-grow greenhouse plants 🙂

I hope that you found this article useful! What plants are you growing in your greenhouse? Let me know in the comments section below!

Happy Growing!

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