How To Clean Aluminium Greenhouse Frame?

Cleaning a greenhouse not only ensures that structure look attractive, but it also makes it safe for you and your family. Moreover, good cleaning routine keeps plants in peak condition and prevents insect infestation as well as spread of diseases. Keep in mind that you need to deep clean a greenhouse structure annually.

Nevertheless, it is important to take immediate actions at any time of the year if there is an emergency. For example, if wind blew away greenhouse cover, you should replace it promptly. If you previously had glass panels which broke, you might consider replacing them with plastic cover.

These are just some of the points when it comes to how to maintain a greenhouse. Also, if your greenhouse frame is made of wood, it requires different maintenance than aluminium frame. But in this post we will discuss how to clean aluminium greenhouse frame.

5 Steps To Clean Aluminium Greenhouse Frame:

Step 1 – Move plants outside

Many growers prefer to clean a greenhouse annually in spring while other prefer to do it in fall. If you are growing plants directly in the ground, cleaning in fall is the best option because many plants have finished cropping.

You should move all other plants that you grow in pots to a convenient spot outdoors. Make sure to move more delicate plants indoors. Don’t forget about the hanging baskets and hooks, the structure should be completely empty before you can start cleaning the frame.

Step 2 – Give a frame a good sweep

Let’s start with the inside of greenhouse. Before washing down, I like to give everything a good sweep. Use a broom for sweeping the greenhouse floor and a little stiff brush is good for removing the dirt and rubbish from the cracks in the frame.

Step 3 – Get rid of dirt build up

To get rid of dirt build up on aluminium greenhouse frame you need to use a soft cloth and solution of regular dish soap. Don’t use metal scraper as they will damage the surface of aluminium. Only use soft cloth to scrub aluminium and not steel wool or sandpaper.

Clean Aluminium Greenhouse Frame

Scrub the aluminium frame to get into the cracks where insects breed. Keep in mind that in aluminium greenhouses the T section bars are hiding places for pests. To get rid of the insects you can use a sprayer to get into cracks without damaging the frame. Also, use a long handled brush to reach into corners.

Step 4 – Wash down the frame indoors and outdoors

Before you start washing down, you need to cover up electric points. Cover them with a bit of plastic cover. Take a bucket of warm water and add some washing up liquid. Wear gloves and start washing the framework with stiff brush from the bottom.

wash down greenhouse frame

Cleaning aluminium greenhouse frame outdoors is much more difficult than inside the greenhouse. You will need a long-handled mop to reach the roof sections. For large structures you might need to use a ladder, so ask someone to stand next to you.

What should I clean my aluminium greenhouse with?

To clean aluminum greenhouse frame you need to use a solution of warm water with washing-up liquid or a mild all-purpose liquid cleaner. It is very important not to use a spray of liquid soda crystals on aluminium greenhouse frame as it is not safe.

do not use vinegar to clean aluminium greenhouse with

DO NOT use vinegar to clean aluminium greenhouse frame as it reacts with aluminium and will stain it. Furthermore, washing up liquid or a mild all-purpose cleaner should not need rinsing. Use a stiff brush, scraper and sponge for washing down the framework. Make sure that the frame is clean and there is no caked-on dirt.

Step 5 – Let the frame dry

Leave the doors and vents open so that the frame can dry as quickly as possible. You might also put the heater on if necessary. When the framework is dry, check all iron and steel fittings, hinges and screws for rust. If there is no rust, squirt a little of WD-40 or apply a thin layer of oil.

If there is some corrosion on fittings, hinges or screws, treat them with rust remover. Then you can paint them. Apply two coats of oil-based spray paint on these parts if you want to paint them. If any of these parts are rusted badly, just replace them.

Make sure to clean all pots and trays before moving them back into a greenhouse. Only put them back when a structure is completely dry. Remember to remove dead and diseased leaves before putting the pots back into a greenhouse.

To make sure that the inside of the greenhouse stays clean and the frame is in good maintenance, you need to choose an appropriate location for a greenhouse. It shouldn’t be under trees or in a windy spot. Secure your greenhouse to the ground.

You might need to build a foundation for large and heavy structure or screw the base with anchors to keep a greenhouse from blowing away. If, unfortunately, wind broke glazing panels, you need to attach new cover to greenhouse frame.

I would love to hear how you are cleaning and taking care of aluminium greenhouse frame, so feel free to get in touch using the contact form!

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