Greenhouse January Planting Guide

There are a number of tasks which you can do in January, but you can leave nearly all of them for February. January is a start of a new year so it is a perfect time to prepare for a new growing year.

What can I grow in a greenhouse in January?

Bulbs: bring the bowls of spring-flowering bulbs (Hyacinth, Narcissus, Crocus etc) to a greenhouse from the plunge bed outdoors. Bring in the ones showing the most growth. Greenhouse January planting is suitable for Hippeastrum, Gloxinia and Achimenes.

Ornamental plants: sow seeds of Begonia, Pelargonium and Streptocarpus in a propagator. Bring in the pots of Polyanthus and container-grown Roses from the outside. Take Fuchsia cuttings. If the growth is advanced, use new Chrysanthemum shoots growing from the base of the stems on the stool. The cuttings should be about 3′ long. Prune Passion Flower.

Vegetables: you can start sowing these seeds in a heated propagator:

  • Tomatoes
  • French Bean
  • Lettuce
  • Carrot
  • Onion
  • Leek
  • Cauliflower
  • Cabbage
  • Potatoes

You can harvest Radish, Mushroom, Garden Cress, Chicory and Rhubarb in a greenhouse in January.

Fruits: you can plant Peach, Nectarine and Apricot. You can start growing grape vines at the end of the month if you can maintain a minimum night temperature of 45°F. Bring in the pots of Strawberry into the greenhouse.

Greenhouse January Jobs Checklist

  • Draw up a plan for the coming year during this quiet time. You can make charts and mark on them the plants you are going to grow. Try to grow more than just tomatoes and bedding plants, however, don’t go for the plants with different growing requirements.
  • Spend this time to order seeds, compost and check greenhouse structure. Make sure that all the equipment is in the working condition. Check the greenhouse frame and seal all the cracks. Replace the broken panes if necessary. Maintain your greenhouse and pay particular attention to the wooden frame.
greenhouse january jobs
  • Check the heaters as some of them are high maintenance and need regular cleaning. If you have a paraffin heater, clean and fill the stoves regularly.
  • Make sure to maintain a minimum temperature of 42°- 45°F if you have frost sensitive plants. Install a max/min thermometer at eye level. Learn how to heat the greenhouse without electricity but don’t overheat it – 55°- 60°F during the day is sufficient.
  • During the winter months it is important to maintain a dry atmosphere. It prevents the diseases from spreading. Water the plants early in the morning. When watering don’t splash the floor, staging, leaves or the crowns of plants.
  • Inspect the plants, remove dead flowers and yellow or diseased leaves. Make sure to keep pot plants in a well-lit spot.
  • Pay attention to a greenhouse ventilation in winter. During the day greenhouse should be dry and sunny. If the day is damp or foggy, don’t open the vents. Open the vents on the side away from the wind. Close the vents in the mid-afternoon to conserve the heat of the sun before nightfall.
  • If you didn’t insulate the greenhouse in December, you can complete the insulation in January.

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